Wednesday, January 13, 2010

great bread on a cold day

Our first test loaf was successful: Thiago helped with the dough mixing, and we let it rise for about 20 hours near the woodstove. Pot went into the oven cold, I did hear some pings and pops when I took the hot pot out to put the dough in. We used 3 cups flour- half whole wheat half high gluten bread flour- and it was the perfect amount for the size of the pot. The loaf was done in just over 45 minutes. I'm exploring the locally milled flours, and stoneground flour seems to produce the most delicious loaf.

Observations: The pot makes a good sized loaf- big enough to share with several people for a few days, but small enough to finish off before you get bored and want to bake again! The pot has ample handles for easy lifting, so does the lid. (I used a variety of pot holders to test functionality.

Concerns: I dont' know if the clay body will stand up to the thermal shock over time. I also wonder if the greater public will have an issue with the shape of the loaf. It's not exactly a loaf as we know it here, and it's not exactly a classic rustic bread shape; the slightly rounded bottom causes it to tip over when it's cut in half. That's fine by me, but perhaps not so for everyone?

Up Next: I'm going to try some variations, with cranberries and nuts. Also, I'm going to try putting the bread dough in the cold pot and letting it all heat up together and bake.

No photos yet, my loaf looked a lot like the Rona's.

Happy baking!
love, J and Thiago


  1. I had the same issue. I think the bottom of the pot should be flatter. Hugs to you and thiago.

  2. yes, perhaps the inside should be flatter, but I love the form of the pot.
